ယွၤအစိကမီၤ ~ The Power Of God

လါအီကူး ၅, ၂၀၂၁


တၢ်ဖးဖျိလံာ်စီဆှံလၢတနံၣ်အတီၢ်ပူၤအဂီၢ် – ၁ကွဲးနီၣ်တၢ် ၁၉, ၁ကွဲးနီၣ်တၢ် ၂၀, ၁ကွဲးနီၣ်တၢ် ၂၁, 
၁ကရံၣ်သူး ၁:၁၈-၃၁, ၁ကရံၣ်သူး ၂:၁-၅, ထါစံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤ ၉၁:၁-၈

“အဂ့ၢ်ဒ်အံၤ, ထူၣ်စုညါအတၢ်ကတိၤမ့ၢ်တၢ်ကလီကလီ, လၢပှၤလၢအဘၣ်တၢ်ဟးဂူာ်ဟးဂီၤအမဲာ်ညါ, ဘၣ်ဆၣ်ဒီးလၢပှၤတုၤလၢတၢ်အုၣ်က့ၤခီၣ်က့ၤ, ပဝဲဒၣ်အမဲာ်ညါ, မ့ၢ်ယွၤအစိကမီၤလီၤ.”
၁ကရံၣ်သူး ၁:၁၈

တချုးလၢကစၢ်ခရံာ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ပျၤထီအီၤအဆၢကတီၢ် ‘ထူၣ်စုညါ’ မ့ၢ်တၢ်ပနီၣ်တမံၤလၢအမ့ၢ်တၢ်မၤသရူးကမၣ်တၢ်, တၢ်မဲာ်ဆှး, တၢ်ပျံၤတၢ်ဖုးဒီးတၢ်သံန့ၣ်လီၤ. ကစၢ်ခရံာ်တၢ်ပျၤထီအီၤဝံၤသနာ်က့ထူၣ်စုညါအခီပညီမ့ၢ်တၢ်ဒ်လီၢ်လီၢ် လၢပှၤလၢအတစူၢ်တနာ်အီၤသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်အဂီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. မုၢ်မဆါတနံၤအံၤ, တၢ်လၢပနၢ်ဟူဘၣ်, တၢ်လၢပထံၣ်ဘၣ်

လၢတၢ်ကစီၣ်အပူၤမ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤ, လၢပနီၢ်ကစၢ်မ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤ, ပာ်ဖျါထီၣ်ဝဲဒၣ်ထူၣ်စုညါအတၢ်ကတိၤမ့ၢ်တၢ်ကလီကလီလၢပှၤ

ဟီၣ်ခိၣ်ဖိအဂီၢ်အိၣ်ဒံးအါမးန့ၣ်လီၤ. အဘူးကတၢၢ်လၢကီၢ်လါဒ်အဘၣ်တၢ်သ့ၣ်ညါအီၤဒ်ကီၢ်ပယီၤအပူၤ, ဖျါဝဲဒၣ်ဖျိ ဖျိဖျါဖျါလၢထူၣ်စုညါအတၢ်ကတိၤမ့ၢ်ဝဲဒၣ်တၢ်ကလီကလီဒံးလၢပှၤအါဂၤအဂီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. လၢ social media အပူၤ ဒ်အမ့ၢ် Facebook, YouTube ဒီးအဂုၤအဂၤသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်, ပထံၣ်လၢပှၤတစူၢ်တနာ်တၢ်တဖၣ်ဆိၣ်တၢ်ထုတၢ်လၢ ပှၤ ခရံာ်ဖိအတၢ်ကွဲးသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်အဖီလာ်အါမးန့ၣ်လီၤ. တမ့ၢ်ထဲအဆိၣ်ပှၤစူၢ်က့ၤနာ်က့ၤတၢ်ဧိၤဘၣ်, မ့မ့ၢ်တခီ ဒုၣ်ဒွဲၣ်စံး အၢစံးသီကစၢ်ခရံာ်လၢတၢ်ကတိၤလၢအလီၤရၢၢ်သ့ၣ်တဖၣ်လၢပကနၣ်က့ၤတဘူၣ်ဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဒ်လဲၣ်ဂ့ၤ ဒ်လဲၣ်ဂ့ၤ, လၢပဝဲပှၤစူၢ်က့ၤနာ်က့ၤခရံာ်သ့ၣ်တဖၣ်အဂီၢ်ထူၣ်စုညါအတၢ်ကတိၤမ့ၢ်ဝဲကစၢ်ယွၤအတၢ်စိတၢ်ကမီၤ န့ၣ်လီၤ. ခရံာ် အတၢ်ဟဲပှ့ၤက့ၤပှၤတၢ်ဒဲးဘးဖိလၢအသွံၣ်စီဆှံ, အတၢ်တူၢ်သံအသးလၢပှၤတၢ်ဒဲးဘးဖိသ့ၣ်တဖၣ် အဂီၢ်အံၤ မ့ၢ်ဒ်သိး ပတၢ်ဒဲးဘးကဘၣ်တၢ်ပျၢ်ကွံာ်လီၤ.  ခရံာ်အတၢ်ဂဲၤဆၢထၢၣ်သမူထီၣ်က့ၤလၢတၢ်သံ မ့ၢ်ဝဲ တၢ်မုၢ်လၢ် လၢအမူဒီးယွၤအစိကမီၤ လၢပဝဲပှၤစူၢ်က့ၤနာ်က့ၤတၢ်သ့ၣ်တဖၣ်အဂီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ကစၢ်ခရံာ်ဆီတလဲကွံာ် ထူၣ်စုညါ အခီပညီ-တၢ်မၤသရူးကမၣ်တၢ်ဆူတၢ်ဂ့ၤတၢ်ဝါ, တၢ်မဲာ်ဆှးဆူတၢ်ပာ်ကဖၢလၢသး, တၢ်ပျံၤတၢ်ဖုးဆူ တၢ်သူၣ်ဒူသးဒူ, ဒီးတၢ်သံဆူတၢ်မူအထူအယိာ်န့ၣ်လီၤ.


လၢပဝဲနၤယၤအဂီၢ်ထူၣ်စုညါအတၢ်ကတိၤအခီပညီမ့ၢ်တၢ်မ​နုၤလဲၣ်. အမ့ၢ်ဝဲ ကစၢ်ယွၤအစိကမီၤ လၢပဂီၢ်ဧါ. မ့မ့တၢ်တခီမ့ၢ်တၢ်ကလီကလီလၢပဂီၢ်ဧါ. မ့မ့ၢ်ယွၤအစိကမီၤလၢပဂီၢ်ဒီးဆူညါကမ့ၢ်တၢ်မနုၤလဲၣ်. ကမ့ၢ်ထဲလၢပဂီၢ်လီၤဧါ.


ယွၤဧၢ, ပစံးဘျုးနၤဒိၣ်မးလၢနဟ့ၣ်လီၤပှၤထူၣ်စုညါအတၢ်ကတိၤလၢအမ့ၢ်ကစၢ်ခရံာ်အတၢ်ဟဲဟံးန့ၢ်ပှၤဟီၣ်ခိၣ်ဖိ အက့ၢ်အဂီၤဒ်သိးပကထံၣ်န့ၢ်တၢ်မ့ၢ်တၢ်တီလၢကစၢ်ခရံာ်အတၢ်သံဒီးအတၢ်ဂဲၤဆၢထၢၣ်သမူထီၣ်က့ၤအံၤလၢပှၤ ဟ့ၣ်ပှၤတသ့နီတဂၤဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဒီးမၤစၢၤပှၤ, ဟ့ၣ်ပှၤတၢ်ဂံၢ်တၢ်ဘါဒ်သိးပကရၤလီၤထူၣ်စုညါအတၢ်ကတိၤအံၤ ဆူညါန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. လၢခရံာ်အမံၤပဃ့လီၤ. အၤမ့ၣ်.

မဲၢ်လးဘၣ်ကီဘၣ်ခဲဒဲကဝီၤ, ကီၢ်ကၠီၣ်တဲၣ်


August 5, 2021


Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 19, 1 Chronicles 20, 1 Chronicles 21; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; Psalm 91:1-8

“For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are dying,  but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”  
1 Corinthians 1:18 WEB

Before Jesus Christ was crucified, the cross was a symbol of condemnation, shame, fear and death. Even after Jesus Christ was crucified, the meaning of the cross remains the same for those who refused to accept the forgiveness and redemption Christ offers. Today, what we see on the news points to massive disdain for the cross by a multitude of people. On social media, such as Facebook or YouTube or other mediums, we see unbelievers ridiculing and cursing at not only believers, but also Christ Himself. Their voice and language are so vulgar that our eyes and ears shudder at the sight and sound of their absolute foolishness. In any event, for us as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the word of the cross is the power of God. Jesus Christ bought us with His blood and His death on the cross offers us redemption. Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death is our living hope rooted in the power of God. Jesus Christ transformed the meaning of the cross from blame to blessings, shame to honor, fear to courage, and death to eternal life.  


For you and me, how does the word of the cross speak to us? Does it speak power into our lives? Does it convey foolishness? If the word of the cross speaks power into our lives, how will it continue to be present in our lives? Is this incredible power only for us?


Dear God, thank you for giving us the word of the cross that expresses Jesus’ coming in human form and taking the sin of the world, which is the truth that no one can speak. Please help us and give us strength to spread the word of the cross.  In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

Tharah Joy Say
Kawthoolei Karen Baptist Bible School and College
Mae La Refugee Camp, Thailand