တၢ်ဆၢအိၣ်ဘူးဒီးကစၢ်ယွၤမ့ၢ်တၢ်ဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤ ~ Wishing To Be Closer To God Is A Blessing

လါဒံၣ်စဲဘၢၣ် ၂၂


တၢ်ဖးဖျိလံာ်စီဆှံလၢတနံၣ်အတီၢ်ပူၤအဂီၢ် – ဧ့စြၤ ၈:၁၅-၃၆, ဧ့စြၤ ၉:၁-၁၅, လီၣ်ဖျါ ၁၄:၁-၁၃, ကတိၤဒိ ၃၁:၁-၉

ယွၤ, အံၣ်စရ့လးအကစၢ်ဧၢ, နမ့ၢ်တၢ်တီတၢ်လိၤလီၤ. အဂ့ၢ်ဒ်အံၤ, ပပူၤဖျဲးတၢ်ဒီး အိၣ်ဒံးဒ်လၢ မုၢ်မဆါတနံၤအံၤအသိးလီၤ. ကွၢ်ကွၢ်, ပအိၣ်လၢနမဲာ်ညါလၢပတၢ်ကမၣ်အပူၤလီၤ. အဂ့ၢ်ဒ်အံၤ, ပဆၢထၢၣ်လၢနမဲာ်ညါလၢတၢ်န့ၣ်အဃိတသ့ဘၣ်.”
ဧ့ၤစြၤ ၉:၁၅

တၢ်အိၣ်မူတမ့ၢ်တၢ်လီၤစိၤဘၣ်, မ့မ့ၢ်တၢ်လီၤစိၤန့ၣ်အိၣ်ဝဲဒီးယွၤလီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်တၢ်အိၣ်မူအံၤကီဝဲလၢ ပကဘၣ် အိၣ်မူလဲၤတၢ်လၢ တၢ်ဘၣ်ယွၤအသးန့ၣ်လီၤ. ပတၢ်ဆၢအိၣ်ဘူးဒီးကစၢ်ယွၤန့ၣ် မ့ၢ်တၢ်ဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤ အမ့ၢ်အတီလီၤ. ပမိၢ်ဒိၣ်ပၢ်ဒိၣ် ဖဲမုၣ်ကီၤလံၢ်လ့ပစီအီၤဝံၤန့ၣ် အိၣ်ယံၤဒီးယွၤတဘျီဃီန့ၣ်လီၤ. အဆၢကတီၢ်လၢ ယတၢ်ရ့လိာ်သးဒီး ယွၤ လၢတၢ်ထုကဖၣ်ဒီး တၢ်ဖးအကလုၢ်ကထါမ့ၢ်စှၤလီၤအခါန့ၣ် ယပလၢၢ်ဘၣ်ယဲ မၤသးဒ်သိးဒီးယွၤအတၢ်ဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤ လီၤစှၤလၢယဂီၢ်စ့ၢ်ကီးလီၤ. ယွၤအကလုၢ်ကထါမ့ၢ်တအိၣ်လၢနပူၤဘၣ်ဒီး နသးကပှဲၤဒီး တၢ်ဆူးတၢ်ဆါ, နကဘၣ် ကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ်ဒီးတၢ်အၢပှဲၤဝဲဒီး တၢ်မဲာ်ထံမဲာ်နိ လီၤထူလီၤယိာ်ဝံၤ တၢ်သးဖှံတအိၣ်ဘၣ်ဒီးနၤဘၣ်.

ယတၢ်အိၣ်မူအပူၤယလီၤဘၣ်လၢ မုၣ်ကီၤလံၢ်အတၢ်စၢဃာ်အပူၤအါဘျီ ခီဖျိတၢ်အီၣ်တၢ်အီလၢ အတကြၢးတဘၣ် သ့ၣ်တဖၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. အကတီၢ်လၢ ယအိၣ်လၢမုၣ်ကီၤလံၢ် အတၢ်စၢဃာ်အပူၤန့ၣ် မၤသးဒ် ယမ့ၢ်ပှၤတၢ်ဒဲးဘးဖိ, ပှၤလၢအသံတ့ၢ်, ပှၤလၢအကြၢးဒီးတၢ်စံၣ်ညီၣ်လီၤ. ယပလၢၢ်ဘၣ်ဒ်ယအိၣ်ဘၣ်လၢ လရာ်အပူၤအသိးန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်အကတီၢ်လၢ ယသ့ၣ်ညါယွၤဒီး အိၣ်ဘူးဒီးကစၢ်ယွၤန့ၣ် ယန့ၢ်ဘၣ်က့ၤအတၢ်ပှ့ၤက့ၤယၤ ခီဖျိအဖိခွါ ကစၢ်ယ့ၣ်ၡူးခရံာ်အဃိန့ၣ်ဒီး ယန့ၢ်ဘၣ်က့ၤတၢ်ပျၢ်ကွံာ်ယတၢ်ဒဲးဘးလီၤ. လၢယသံတ့ၢ်န့ၣ် ယန့ၢ်ဘၣ်က့ၤတၢ်မူ, ယန့ၢ်ဘၣ်က့ၤတၢ်အုၣ်က့ၤခီၣ်က့ၤ, ယဘၣ်တၢ်ထုးထူၣ်ဖျဲးထီၣ်က့ၤယၤလီၤ. ယန့ၢ်ဘၣ်က့ၤတၢ်အခွဲးအယာ်လၢ ယန့ၢ်ဘၣ်သါမူခိၣ်အဘီအမုၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. အဃိဒီးယစံးဘျုးဘၣ်ယွၤလၢ ယတၢ်ပီၢ်ယၢ်လီၤက့ၤယသးအံၤတမ့ၢ်တၢ်လၢ အစဲၤခံဒံးဘၣ်အဃိလီၤ. ဒီပုၢ်ဝဲၢ်ဧၢ, မ့မ့ၢ်နၤတခီ နကဆိကမိၣ်ဒ်လဲၣ်. အကတီၢ်ဘၣ်ဘူးထီၣ်လံလၢ ယွၤကပာ်ဖှိၣ် က့ၤ ယွၤအသိဖိဒီးအပှၤဂီၢ်မုၢ်န့ၣ်လံ. ယွၤအိၣ်ဒီးအမူခိၣ်ကလူး လၢကဟဲစိာ်တၢ်ကစီၣ်ဆူပှၤကိးကလုာ်, ပှၤကိးဒူၣ်ဒဲး ပှၤကတိၤတၢ်အကျိာ်ခဲလၢာ် ဒီးထံကီၢ်ခဲလၢာ် ဒီးကစံးဝဲဒၣ်လၢ အကလုၢ်ဖးဒိၣ် ‘‘ပျံၤယွၤဒီးမၤလၤကပီၤအီၤဒီး စံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤတၢ်ဒိၣ်ယွၤန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. အဂ့ၢ်ဒ်အံၤတၢ်ဆၢကတီၢ်ဟဲတုၤလံဝဲလၢ အဝဲကဘၣ်စံၣ်ညီၣ်ပှၤဟီၣ်ခိၣ်ဖိလံ.’’ 


တၢ်လၢအဒုးယံၤထီၣ်ယၤဒီးယွၤန့ၣ် မ့ၢ်မတၤလဲၣ်. ယအိၣ်မူပိာ်ထွဲယွၤအကလုၢ်ကထါစ့ၢ်ကီးဧါ.


ပၢ်ဧၢ, မ်ပကဖးကစၢ်အကလုၢ်ကထါ ရ့လိာ်သးဒီးနၤတထံၣ်ဃီဒီး ပကသးခုအိၣ်ဘူးလၢနပူၤအဂီၢ်မၤစၢၤတက့ၢ်. လၢခရံာ်အမံၤယဃ့နၤလီၤ.

ဘွဲၤစံၤ, အၤဒၤဟိၤကီၢ်စဲၣ်


December 22


Bible in a Year:  Ezra 8:15-36, Ezra 9:1-15; Revelation 14:1-13; Proverb 31:1-9

“Yahweh, the God of Israel, you are righteous; for we are left a remnant that has escaped, as it is today. Behold, we are before you in our guiltiness; for no one can stand before you because of this.”
Ezra 9: 15 WEB

Life is temporary, but God is eternal. Living a life that God wants us to live is very difficult. Wishing to be closer to God is a true blessing.  After our first parents were tempted by a serpent, they stayed far away from God. When the time I spend with God through praying and reading the Bible is less, I feel as if I am less blessed. If the word of God is not in your heart, your life will be filled with unwellness, wickedness, tears, and sadness.  

In my life, I have been influenced by corrupted deeds of drinking alcohol. When I was tied up and controlled by evil, I felt very much a sinner, the one who’s already dead, and the one who deserved judgment. I felt like I was living in hell. However, the moment I knew God and became close to him, He saved me in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. I received God’s forgiveness for my sins. I was dead, but made alive. I received salvation. I was freed. The opportunity to live in His heavenly kingdom became mine. Therefore, I thank God that my repentance is not too late. Brothers and sisters, what do you think about this? It is getting closer to the time when Jesus will come and gather His sheep and people. God has his angel, who will bring a message to all races, to all mankind, to all who speak all languages, to all nations, and will speak with a loud voice, “Fear God, honor him and sing praises to almighty God. For the time has come that it is time for Him to judge all living on earth.”


What are the things that draw you away from God? 
Are you living your life as God wants you to? 


Father, Please help us to read Your word, spend time with you, and find joy in abiding in You.  
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Thara David Hsar Pwe Doh Soe
Go Forward Karen Baptist Church
Boise, Idaho