တၢ်မၤစၢၤလီၤဆီဟဲလၢယွၤ ~ Extraordinary Help Comes From The Lord

လါအ့ဖြ့ၣ် ၁၆, ၂၀၂၁


တၢ်ဖးဖျိလံာ်စီဆှံလၢတနံၣ်အတီၢ်ပူၤအဂီၢ် – ၅မိၤၡ့ ၂၆, ၅မိၤၡ့ ၂၇, ၅မိၤၡ့ ၂၈:၁-၁၄,
လူၤကၣ် ၁ရ:၁၁-၃၇ စံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤ ၄၆:၁-၁၁

‘‘ယွၤမ့ၢ်ပတၢ်ပူၤဖျဲးအလီၢ်ဒီးပဂံၢ်ပဘါလီၤ. လၢတၢ်မၤကိၢ်မၤဂီၤန့ၣ်ပှၤထံၣ်န့ၢ်အီၤလၢတၢ်မၤစၢၤ လီၤဆီဒၣ်တၢ်လီၤ.’’
စံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤ ၄၆:၁

ဖဲပဘၣ်တၢ်မၤကိၢ်မၤဂီၤပှၤအဆၢကတီၢ်ပထံၣ်န့ၢ်အီၤလၢ(၁) ယွၤမ့ၢ်ပတၢ်ပူၤဖျဲး, (၂) ယွၤမ့ၢ်ပဂံၢ်ပဘါ, (၃) ယွၤမ့ၢ်တၢ်မၤစၢၤလီၤဆီလၢပဂီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ယနာ်လၢပှၤဟီၣ်ခိၣ်ဖိခဲလၢာ်အဂီၢ် တၢ်အိၣ်မူလၢအပူၤဖျဲးဒီး တၢ်မၤကိၢ်မၤဂီၤတအိၣ်ဘၣ်နီတဂၤဘၣ်.  ဘၣ်ဆၣ်ဒီး အိၣ်မူလဲၤခီဖျိဝဲသ့ မ့ၢ်လၢယွၤအတၢ်မၤစၢၤလီၤ ဆီလၢပဂီၢ်အဃိ န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲ ၁၉၇၅ နံၣ်, လံာ်စီဆှံကၠိတဖၣ်ကစးထီၣ်က့ၤ တၢ်မၤလိအဃိ ကၠိဖိလီၢ်လံၤဒီးကၠိဖိ အသီတဖၣ် လဲၤလီၤသကိးဆူ ကၠိန့ၣ်လီၤ. ယမ့ၢ်ပှၤကၠိဖိအသီတဂၤလီၤ. ယလဲၤလီၤတုၤဒီး ပှၤလဲၤဆှၢယၤဆူ ကၠိခိၣ်အအိၣ်လၢ တၢ်ဆဲးလီၤမံၤအဂီၢ် န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်ဒီးမ့ၢ်လၢကီၢ်လံာ်အုၣ်သး (လံာ်တၢ်ပျဲ) တပၣ်ဘၣ်အဃိ ကၠိခိၣ်တဆဲးလီၤန့ၢ်ယမံၤ, တတူၢ်လိာ်ယၤဘၣ်. မ့ၢ် တၢ်ကိၢ်တၢ်ဂီၤလၢယဂီၢ်ဒီး မ့ၢ်ဆၢကတီၢ်လၢယလိၣ်ဘၣ် တၢ်မၤစၢၤယၤအဆၢကတီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. တဘျီဃီယဘါထုကဖၣ်လၢယသးပူၤ, ယစံးဘၣ်ယွၤ ‘‘ပၢ်သးဘိယွၤဧၢ, ဒ်သိးယကမၤလိဘၣ်တၢ်အဂီၢ်, ယလိၣ်ဘၣ်ပှၤလၢအကမၤစၢၤယၤတဂၤဂၤလီၤ. မ့ၢ်ဘၣ်နသးလၢယကမၤလိဘၣ် တၢ်ဒီးမၤစၢၤယၤတက့ၢ်.’’ ယဘါထုကဖၣ်ဝံၤဒီးကၠိခိၣ်တဲယၤလၢ ပှၤအုၣ်ကီၤနၤမ့ၢ်အိၣ်တဂၤဂၤန့ၣ် ပကတူၢ်လိာ်နၤ လီၤ. က့ၤဒီးဃုပှၤကညီလၢကအုၣ်ကီၤနၤအဂီၢ်တက့ၢ်. ယဟးထီၣ်ကွံာ်လၢကၠိခိၣ်အမဲာ်ညါပှဲၤဒီးတၢ်သးအုး, တၢ်သးဘၣ်ဒိန့ၣ်လီၤ. အဂ့ၢ်ဒ်အံၤမ့ၢ်လၢယကထံၣ်န့ၢ်ပှၤလၢအကအုၣ်ကီၤယၤတညီဘၣ်လီၤ. ယဟးထီၣ်ပူၤကွံာ် ကၠိကရၢၢ်တစဲးဖိဒီး ယထံၣ်သရၣ်ခံဂၤလၢအသ့ၣ်ညါယၤဒီးအဝဲသ့ၣ် သံကွၢ်ယၤ, ‘‘မ့ၢ်နကလဲၤဖဲလဲၣ်. မ့ၢ်နဟဲက့ၤဖဲလဲၣ်.’’ ယတဲဘၣ်အဝဲသ့ၣ်တၢ်ဂ့ၢ်တၢ်ကျိၤခဲလၢာ်လီၤ. အဝဲသ့ၣ်စံးဘၣ်ယၤ,  ‘‘ဟဲပိာ်ယခံ, ပကလဲၤဆူ ကၠိခိၣ်အအိၣ်ဒီးပကအုၣ်ကီၤသးလၢနဂီၢ်လီၤ.’’ လၢတၢ်မၤကိၢ်မၤဂီၤန့ၣ်ပထံၣ်န့ၢ်အီၤ လၢတၢ်မၤစၢၤလီၤဆီဒၣ် တၢ်လီၤ.


တၢ်မၤစၢၤလီၤဆီန့ၣ် အါတက့ၢ် နမုၢ်လၢ်လၢကဟဲလၢတၢ်လီၢ်ဖဲလဲၣ်.


ပၢ်သးဘိယွၤဧၢ, လၢတၢ်မၤကိၢ်မၤဂီၤအဆၢကတီၢ်န့ၣ်, ဒုးထံၣ်ယၤလၢနတၢ်မၤစၢၤလီၤဆီတဖၣ်တက့ၢ်. လၢခရံာ်မံၤပဃ့နၤလီၤ. အၤမ့ၣ်

အမဲရကၤကညီဘျၢထံခရံာ်ဖိသရိာ်တၢတၢ်အိၣ်ဖှိၣ် အိၣ်မဟၣ်
အိၣ်မဟၣ်, နဘြၤစကၤကီၢ်စဲၣ်


April 16, 2021


Bible in A Year: Deuteronomy 26, Deuteronomy 27, Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Luke 17:11-37; Psalm 46:1-11 

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”  
Psalm 46:1 WEB

In times of trouble, (1) God is our refuge, (2) God is our strength, and (3) God is our extraordinary help. I believe there is none who has a trouble-free life. But, we can overcome with God’s extraordinary help.  In 1975, the Bible school started again. Old and new students headed to the school. I was a new student. When I got there, I was taken to the principal’s office to register. However, I did not have a reference letter and I could not register. That was a time I was in trouble. I immediately prayed to God, “Dear Father God, I need someone to help me so I can go to school. If it is your will that I study, please help me.” After my brief prayer, I heard the principal saying, “We cannot allow you to go to school without someone testifying on your behalf.” I left with sadness and hurt. It was not an easy matter for me to find someone to recommend me at the last minute. Right after I walked out of the school compound, I found two teachers who knew me. They asked, “Where are you going? Where did you come from?” I told them everything. They told me, “Follow us! Let’s go to the principal’s office and we will testify for you.”  In times of trouble, God is our extraordinary help. 


From where do you usually expect extraordinary help?


God, please let me see your extraordinary help in times of trouble. In Jesus’ Name we pray.  Amen.

Rev. Mahn Nyunt Tin
American Karen First Baptist Church of Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska