စံးဘျုးယွၤဒီးစံးပတြၢၤအီၤ ~ Give Thanks To God And Praise Him

လါစဲးပထ့ဘၢၣ် ၂၂


တၢ်ဖးဖျိလံာ်စီဆှံလၢတနံၣ်အတီၢ်ပူၤအဂီၢ်- ယၡါယၤ ၅၁:၁၇-၂၃, ယၡါယၤ ၅၂, ယၡါယၤ ၅၃, ယၡါယၤ ၅၄, အ့းဖ့းစူး ၁,
စံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤ ၁၀၉:၂၁-၃၁

‘‘ယကစံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤယွၤ လၢယထးခိၣ်အါအါကလဲာ်ဒီးလၢပှၤအါဂၤအကျါန့ၣ်ယကစံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤအီၤလီၤ.’’ 
စံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤ ၁၀၉:၃၀

ဘၣ်တဂီၤပှၤကဲဒိၣ်တဂၤအိးထီၣ်အပဲတြီဒီးထံၣ်ဘၣ်ပှၤဖှီၣ်ဖိယာ်ဖိတဂၤဟးဃုတၢ်လၢတၢ်ဘၣ်အၢဘၣ်သီအကဘိၣ်အကျါဒ်သိးကထံၣ်န့ၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်လၢဆါအီၣ်ဝဲကန့ၢ်အဂီၢ်လီၤ. ပှၤကဲဒိၣ်အံၤစံးဘျုးကစၢ်ယွၤဒီးစံးဝဲလၢယတဘၣ်ဖှီၣ်ဘၣ် ယာ်ဒီးဟးဃုတၢ်လၢတၢ်ဘၣ်အၢဘၣ်သီတၢ်ကဘိၣ်ပူၤအဃိလီၤ. ပှၤဖှီၣ်ဖိယာ်ဖိတဂၤအံၤတခီထံၣ်ဘၣ်ဝဲပှၤအပျုၢ် တဂၤ လၢအကူအသိးတအိၣ်ဒီးကိးပသူကိးပသီလၢကျဲဖီခိၣ်အဃိ အဝဲစံးဝဲလၢယတပျုၢ်ဘၣ်ဒ်ပှၤတဂၤအံၤ အဃိယစံးဘျုးကစၢ်ယွၤလီၤ. ဖဲန့ၣ်အဆၢကတီၢ်သိလ့ၣ်လၢ တီၣ်ပှၤဆါတခိၣ်ဟဲဘၣ်လၢတၢ်ကပၤဒီး ပှၤအပျုၢ် တဂၤအံၤ ထံၣ်ဘၣ်ဒီး စံးဝဲလၢယစံးဘျုးယွၤလၢယအိၣ်ဆူၣ်အိၣ်ချ့ဒီး တအိၣ်ဘၣ်လၢသိလ့ၣ်တီၣ်ပှၤဆါတခိၣ်အံၤ အဖီခိၣ်အဃိန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲပှၤဆါအံၤလဲၤတုၤတၢ်ဆါဟံၣ်ဒီးထံၣ်ဘၣ်လ့ၣ်လၢပှၤဆီၣ်တခိၣ်တီၣ်ပှၤသံတဂၤ ဒီးအဝဲစံးဝဲ ယစံးဘျုးယွၤလၢယတသံဒံးဘၣ်အဃိလီၤ. မ့မ့ၢ်ပှၤသံတဂၤအံၤဒုစံးဘျုးယွၤတန့ၢ်လၢၤဘၣ်. ပဝဲသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်ဖဲပအိၣ်မူ အဆၢကတီၢ်ပကဘၣ်စံးဘျုးယွၤလီၤ. ပဝဲပှၤဟီၣ်ခိၣ်ဖိတဖၣ်န့ၣ်ပကြၢးအိၣ်ဒီးတၢ်စံးဘျုးမၤလၤကပီၤ ဆၢက့ၤယွၤ လၢပတၢ်အိၣ်မူအပူၤလီၤ. ယနီၢ်ကစၢ်ဒၣ်ယဲယစံးဘျုးကစၢ်ယွၤထီဘိမ့ၢ်လၢယဒီပုၢ်ဝဲၢ်တဖၣ်အကျါ, ယမ့ၢ်ပှၤလၢ အဘၣ်ဘျုးကတၢၢ်စးထီၣ်လၢ ယနီၢ်ဆံး တုၤလၢမုၢ်မဆါတနံၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲယအိၣ်ဒီးတၢ်ဖံးတၢ်မၤအခါဒိးန့ၢ်ဘၣ်ယဲ လါလဲလၢအဂ့ၤဒီးဟ့ၣ်မၤဘူၣ်မၤတီၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်, သူစွဲဘၣ်ယဲကျိၣ်စ့ဖဲယသးလီၤ. ယဆိကမိၣ်လၢယတၢ်မၤမ့ၢ်တအိၣ် မုၢ်တနံၤယအိၣ်တသ့လၢၤဘၣ်လီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်ကစၢ်ယွၤအတၢ်ဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤလၢယဂီၢ်န့ၣ်သီဒၣ်တၢ်ထီဘိလီၤ. ဖဲယတၢ်မၤ တအိၣ်အဆၢကတီၢ်ဒၣ်လဲာ်, ယဒိးန့ၢ်ဘၣ်ယဲ တၢ်ဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤလၢလၢပှဲၤပှဲၤဒီးဟ့ၣ်မၤဘူၣ်မၤစၢၤဘၣ်တၢ်ဒ်အကြၢးဝဲဒီး ယၤအဃိလီၤ. ‘‘အဘျုးအဖှိၣ်အသီအိၣ်ဝဲကိးဂီၤဒဲးလီၤ. နမၤတီနကလုၢ်လီၤတံၢ်လီၤဆဲးလီၤ.’’ (သးသယုၢ်တၢ် ၃:၂၂-၂၃)


မ့ၢ်တၢ်မနုၤတြီဆၢနၤလၢနကစံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤယွၤကိးမုၢ်နံၤလဲၣ်. ယွၤအဲၣ်ဒိးလၢပကသ့ၣ်ညါဆၢက့ၤအဘျုးဒီးအိၣ်မူလၢတၢ်စံးဘျုးမၤလၤကပီၤဆၢက့ၤအီၤန့ၣ်လီၤ.


ပၢ်ယွၤဧၢ, မၤစၢၤယၤဒ်သိးယကမ့ၢ်ပှၤတဂၤလၢထီဘိအိၣ်ဒီးတၢ်စံးဘျုးမၤလၤကပီၤဆၢက့ၤနၤလၢယတၢ်အိၣ်မူပူၤ လၢတၢ်ဆၢကတီၢ်ကိးအကတီၢ်ဒဲးန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. လၢခရံာ်အမံၤယဃ့နၤလီၤ. အၤမ့ၣ်.



September 22


Bible in a Year: Isaiah 51:17-23, Isaiah 52, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 54; Ephesians 1; Psalm 109:21-31

“I will give great thanks to Yahweh with my mouth.
Yes, I will praise him among the multitude.”  
Psalm 109:30 WEB

There was a rich man who opened the door of his house and saw a poor man who was searching for saleable things in a dumpster. The rich man thanked God for not being poor  and having to search for things in dumpsters. The poor man then saw a crazy man, who was naked and screaming on the road, and the poor man thanked God for not going out of his mind like a crazy person. Meanwhile, an ambulance with a patient inside passed by the crazy man, who thanked God for being healthy and not having to be taken away by an ambulance. When the patient in the ambulance arrived at the hospital, he saw a stretcher carrying a dead man and thanked God he was still alive. Unfortunately for the dead man, he could not praise God anymore. When we are still alive, we must thank God. As human beings, we should give thanks and praise God continually in our lives. For me, I always thank the Lord as I am the one, among my siblings, who is most blessed to this day. When I had a job, I had a good salary and was able to give donations while being able to spend for myself in the way I wanted. I thought I would not be able to live if I didn’t have a job. However, God’s blessing for me is renewed on its own. Even when I am not working, I am provided abundantly and able to make contributions. “They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 WEB)


What are the barriers that stop you from praising God everyday?
God wants us to understand His Grace for us and to glorify Him in our lives.


Dear Father God, help me to be a person who praises and glorifies you in every moment of my life.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Naw Nilar Gay
Nyaung Ywa Karen Baptist Church