
Week 37


About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.

Acts 16:25

Money is so tight for our family. We had to borrow money from others to buy rice. Addiction has invaded my husband’s life. Now he no longer joins us in our family worship. But every morning, I wake up early and sing out loud the song, “God is good! God is good!” For some people this is a mystery. They ask where I find enough peace to sing God is good. In spite of my circumstances, I do have peace because I know deep down in my heart God is with me. This is hard for the world to understand. In bondage, Paul and Silas praised God with songs and those in the jail listened. In captivity Paul and Silas had peace. Captivity cannot take the God-given peace of Paul and Silas captive. No matter what kind of oppressing situations you are going through, if you remain close to God, the world cannot shackle your peace. The One who is on your side is the One who conquered this world.      

Dear God, we praise You for You are greater than our problems. Help us to stay close to You so the world cannot steal the joy You generously give us.   We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.