
Week 15


When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

Psalm 56:3

Fear is a powerful, unpleasant feeling resulting from a perception of danger, real or imagined. Fear can trigger a fight or flight reaction. In having healthy fear, a fight response that makes sense would be to kill a cobra that slithers into your home. Similarly, knowing the brutal Burmese soldiers are about to enter your village, taking a flight into the jungle is a wise choice. Healthy fear can keep us safe. On the other hand, unhealthy fear can lead to controlling behaviors (fight) or avoidant behaviors (flight). In fear of losing his power, King Saul went on a fight quest to kill David. Being afraid of how he would be perceived, Peter avoided contact with the Gentile Christians in front of the Jewish Christians. Unhealthy fear and reactions stand against God’s will for you and your church. Have you engaged in any of these controlling behaviors: blaming, demanding, punishing, shaming, excluding, or manipulating? How about avoidant behaviors, such as procrastinating, isolating, making excuses, or not accepting responsibilities? Please ask God to reveal the unhealthy fear you may have and ask Him to free you from its bondage.  

Gracious God, please free me from the curse of unhealthy fear. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.