ယွၤမၤတၢ်ခဲလၢာ်သ့ ~ All Things Are Possible with God

၄ နွံတနွံ


 မၢ်ကူး ၁၀:၂၇ – ‘‘ဒီးယ့ၣ်ရှူးကွၢ်ထံအီၤ, ဒီးစံးဝဲဒၣ်, တသ့ဘၣ်ဒီးပှၤကညီဘၣ်ဆၣ်ဒီး, တသ့ဘၣ်ဒီးယွၤန့ၣ် တမ့ၢ်ဘၣ်. အဂ့ၢ်ဒ်အံၤ, ယွၤသ့တၢ်လၢာ်လီၤ.’’                              

ယွၤမၤတၢ်ခဲလၢာ်သ့ဝဲအခီပညီတမ့ၢ်လၢအဝဲကမၤဝဲတၢ်ခဲလၢာ်လၢပအဲၣ်ဒိးမၢအမၤဝဲဘၣ်. အခီပညီမ့ၢ်ဝဲယွၤအိၣ်ဒီးအစိကမီၤ အလၢအပှဲၤလၢကမၤဝဲတၢ်လၢအဘၣ်အသးခဲလၢာ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ခဲလၢာ်လၢအကဲထီၣ်သ့ဝဲလၢယွၤန့ၣ် သန့ၤထီၣ်အသးလၢ အတၢ်ဘၣ်အသးန့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ထုကဖၣ်တမ့ၢ်တၢ်သံကွၢ်ကစၢ်ယွၤလၢကဆီတလဲအတၢ်ဘၣ်အသးဘၣ်. မ့မ့ၢ်တခီ, တၢ်ဒိကနၣ် အတၢ်ဘၣ်သးန့ၣ်လီၤ. ယစံးဘျုးယွၤဒိၣ်မး မ့ၢ်လၢအတၢ်ဘၣ်သးလၢယဂီၢ် မ့ၢ်ဝဲတၢ်ဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤဆိၣ်ဝါဟဲလၢ တၢ်သူၣ်ကညီၤ သးကညီၤ, တၢ်ဘျုးတၢ်ဖှိၣ်, ဒီး တၢ်မၤဘျါက့ၤတၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. 

အပူၤကွံာ် ၈နံၣ်ဖဲယထီၣ်တီၤထီကၠိအခါယဒိးန့ၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ဆါဘၣ်ဃးပှံာ်ဖးဒ့ဒီးဘၣ်ထီၣ်တၢ်ဆါဟံၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲတၢ်ကွဲးတၢ်ကါအခါ ကသံၣ်သရၣ်ထံၣ်ဝဲ ဖဲယဒၢလီၢ်အပူၤ တၢ်အချံတဖၣ်လၢအကကဲထီၣ် Cancer တၢ်ဆါသ့ဝဲန့ၣ်လီၤ. တုၤယဟဲက့ၤဆူ ဟံၣ်ဒီး ယအိၣ်ဒီးတၢ်ပျံၤတၢ်ဖုးဒိၣ်မးဒီးယတီၤလီၤဒီးဘါထုကဖၣ်လၢမဲာ်ထံမဲာ်နိန့ၣ်လီၤ. လၢခံတၢ်မၤကွၢ်တၢ်ဆူးတၢ်ဆါအစၢ ဟဲထီၣ်ဝဲ လၢ Cancer တၢ်ဆါတအိၣ်ဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. Cancer တၢ်ဆါတအိၣ်ဘၣ်.  ယက့ၤထီၣ်က့ၤကၠိတဘျီဃီန့ၣ်ယဘၣ်အီ ကသံၣ် ကသီသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်လီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်လၢခံကတၢၢ်န့ၣ်ယဖျိထီၣ်ဘၣ်ယဲတီၤထီကၠိဂ့ၤဂ့ၤဘၣ်ဘၣ်လီၤ.

လၢခံယနုာ်လီၤမၤတၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. မုၢ်တနံၤဖဲယမၤတၢ်လၢတၢ်မၤလီၢ်ခါယဟၢဖၢဆါနးနးကလဲာ်လီၤ. ယလဲၤဆူတၢ်ဆါဟံၣ်လီၤ. ကသံၣ်သရၣ်ကွၢ်ယၤဝံၤဒီးထံၣ်ဝဲ တၢ်ထံအထၢၣ်ဖိသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်လၢ ကဲထီၣ် Cancer တၢ်ဆါသ့လၢယဒၢလီၢ်အပူၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. ယပျံၤ တၢ်ဒိၣ်မးဒီးသးကိၢ်သးဂီၤကဒီးလီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ် တၢ်ဆူးတၢ်ဆါအစၢဟဲကဒီးဝဲလၢတမ့ၢ်ဘၣ် Cancer အတၢ်ဆါဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်အံၤယသ့ၣ်ညါယဲလၢမ့ၢ်ဒၣ်တၢ်ထုကဖၣ်အစိကမီၤအဃိလီၤ. ဒီးယကဲထီၣ်ယဲသုးဖိလၢအဒုးတၢ်လၢတၢ်ထုကဖၣ်ဒီး ထုကဖၣ်တၢ်လၢပှၤဂၤအဂီၢ်စ့ၢ်ကီးလီၤ. ယအုၣ်ယသးလၢယွၤအတၢ်အဲၣ်ဒီးအဘျုးအဖှိၣ်စးထီၣ်ဖဲန့ၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ.

ယဘၣ်လဲၤခီဖျိတၢ်ကွဲးတၢ်ကါသၢဘျီတဘျီဖဲအချံဟဲအိၣ်ထီၣ်လၢယနုၢ် (သးနါပှၢ်) လၢအဘၣ်တၢ်တယာ်အီၤလၢကကဲထီၣ် Cancer န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲတၢ်ကွဲးယၤတဘျီအံၤအခါ, ယသ့ၣ်ညါပလၢၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ကိးမံၤ မ့ၢ်လၢ ကသံၣ်သရၣ်ဟ့ၣ်ဒၣ်ယၤ ကသံမၤ တီာ်တုၤ တၢ်လီၢ်ဖဲကကွဲးဝဲန့ၣ်လီၤ.  ဘၣ်ဆၣ်ဖဲဒီတဘ့ၣ်လၢဘၣ်တၢ်မၤကိၢ်သွးဃာ်အီၤလၢလီမ့ၣ်အူ အဟဲဆဲးတိဖျိယဖံးယညၣ် အခါယတူၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ဆါနးနးကလဲာ်တုၤဒၣ်လဲာ်တၢ်မိၣ်ဃ့ၢ်ထွးထီၣ်ယသးတဘျီဃီန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲန့ၣ်အခါယနၢ်ဟူဘၣ်တၢ်ကလုၢ်လၢ အစံး ‘‘ယဖိမုၣ်သးဘိဧၢ, ယၤနာ်က့ယတူၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ဆါယၤနးနးကလဲာ်လၢယအဲၣ်ဘၣ်သုဝဲကိးဂၤအဃိလီၤ. ယဟ့ၣ်လီၤယသးသ မူလၢသုဂီၢ်လၢသ့ၣ်ဖျၢၣ်ထူၣ်စုညါအလိၤပှဲၤဒီးတၢ်ဆါယၤဒိၣ်မးလၢတၢ်သူၣ်ဆံးသးဆံးတၢ်မဲာ်ဆှးအပူၤန့ၣ်လီၤ.’’ ယမဲာ်ထံလီၤဒီး သ့ၣ်ညါဘၣ်ယဲယွၤအတၢ်အဲၣ်ယၤအံၤဒိၣ်နီၢ်မးလၢပဂီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်မၤကွၢ်တၢ်ဆါအစၢဟဲထွးထီၣ်ကဒီးတဘျီန့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ဆါ အံၤတမ့ၢ် Cancer အတၢ်ဆါအပနီၣ်ဘၣ်. မ့ၢ်ဒၣ် ဟီၣ်မိအကိၣ်လိၣ် န့ၣ်လီၤ. 

ယနာ်သပှၢ်ကတၢၢ်လၢတၢ်ခဲလၢာ်အံၤမ့ၢ်ဒၣ်လၢတၢ်ထုကဖၣ်အစိကမီၤအဃိန့ၣ်လီၤ. မ့ၢ်လၢယွၤဘၣ်အသးဒီးမၤအိၣ်ဆူၣ်အိၣ်ချ့ ယၤအဃိ, ယကဘၣ်ဃ့ထုကဖၣ်ယွၤအတၢ်ဘၣ်သးလၢခါဆူညါလီၤ. တၢ်ထုကဖၣ်မ့ၢ်တၢ်ခွဲးတၢ်ယာ်ဖးဒိၣ်တခါ ဒီးယစံးဘျုးယွၤ လၢအဟ့ၣ်လီၤပှၤတၢ်ခွဲးတၢ်ယာ်လၢပတဘၣ်ဟ့ၣ်အီၤအပှ့ၤအံၤ မ့ၢ်လၢအသူၣ်အိၣ်သးအိၣ်ပှၤထူးထူးတီၤတီၤအဃိလီၤ. ပဘါယွၤ တဂၤလၢအိၣ်ဒီးစိကမီၤ, တၢ်ကူၣ်သ့, ဒီး တၢ်အဲၣ်လၢအကတၢၢ်တအိၣ်ဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ယွၤဆှၢပှၤဒ်သိးပကမၤလၢပှဲၤ အတၢ်တိာ် လီၤတိၢ်လီၤဆီတဖၣ်လၢပဂီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. နမ့ၢ်လဲၤခီဖျိဘၣ် တၢ်ကီတၢ်ခဲမ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤ, တၢ်ဆူးတၢ်ဆါမ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤ, တၢ်ဟဲတၤနၤအဂၤတဖၣ် မ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤ, မ်တၢ်သ့ၣ်ညါလၢ ‘ယွၤမၤတၢ်ခဲလၢာ်သ့’ ကဒုးသ့ၣ်ညါနၤလၢနအိၣ်လၢယွၤအစု လၢအဂ့ၤလၢနဂီၢ်အပူၤန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. 



တၢ်ဆိကမိၣ် လၢနကန့ၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ဆါအဒိၣ်အမုၢ် ဒ်သိးခဲစၢၣ်တၢ်ဆါ မ့ၢ်တၢ်လၢအဟဲစိာ် တၢ်ဘၣ်ယိၣ်ဘၣ်ဘီ, တၢ်ကိၢ်တၢ်ဂီၤ အါအါကလဲာ်သ့န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဒ်နစးထီၣ်လဲၤနဲကျဲလၢနတလဲၤဘၣ်လၢညါနီတခီၣ်အခါ, နတၢ်ဆိကမိၣ်ဃ့ၢ်ဝ့ၤဃ့ၢ်ဝီၤ ပြံပြါလၢတၢ်လီၢ် ကိးပူၤ ဒီး သးအတၢ်ဟူးတၢ်ဂဲၤအတၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ် အလပီတဖၣ် ဟဲဘၣ်စံၣ်ပီပုနၤ ဒီး ဒိၣ်ဘၢန့ၢ်နၤသ့န့ၣ်လီၤ. ယွၤမ့ၢ်ကသံၣ်သရၣ်အဂ့ၤကတၢၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်မ့ၢ်တၢ်တီ လၢယွၤမၤတၢ်သ့ခဲလၢာ် ကြၢးဟ့ၣ်လီၤပှၤ တၢ်မုၢ်လၢ်ဒီးတၢ်နဲၣ်ကျဲ လၢပကကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ်တၢ်လၢပကဘၣ်သဂၢၢ်တဖၣ် ဒီး လဲၤဆူညါန့ၣ်လီၤ. 

တၢ်လၢအစိအကမီၤဒိၣ်န့ၢ်ဒံးယွၤတအိၣ်ဘၣ်. နထုကဖၣ်လၢတၢ်စိတၢ်ကမီၤကသ့ဒ်လဲၣ်. နကပလၢၢ်ဘၣ်ယွၤအစိကမီၤလၢ နသးသမူအပူၤကသ့ဒ်လဲၣ်. ဘၣ်တဘၣ်နထံၣ်ဆံးထံၣ်စှၤယွၤအစိကမီၤလၢကျဲမနုၤတဖၣ်လဲၣ်. 


ယွၤဧၢ, ဝံသးစူၤဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤဘၣ်နဖိတဂၤအံၤလၢအဖးဝဲတၢ်ဟ့ၣ်ဂံၢ်ဟ့ၣ်ဘါအံၤ န့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. ယဃ့ဘါထုကဖၣ်တၢ်လၢနဖိလၢအဘၣ်ကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ်ဒီးတူၢ်ဘၣ် တၢ်နးတၢ်ဖှီၣ်အံၤ ကဒိးန့ၢ်က့ၤတၢ်မုၢ်လၢ်လၢနစိကမီၤအပူၤန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်.  သိၣ်လိဘၣ်အီၤဒ်သိးအကကတိၤတၢ်ဒီးနၤခီဖျိတၢ်ထုကဖၣ်ဒီး ဃ့ကညးနၤ ဒ်သိးနကလူလီၤနတၢ်ဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤဆိၣ်ဝါဒီးတၢ်မၤဘျါက့ၤတၢ်ဆူးတၢ်ဆါအသဟီၣ် တဖၣ်တက့ၢ်. ဒုးသ့ၣ်နီၣ်ဘၣ်ပှၤလၢ ‘‘မ့မ့ၢ်လၢနၤန့ၣ်တၢ်မၤအသးသ့ခဲလၢာ်လီၤ’’ န့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. မၤစၢၤဘၣ်နဖိကိးဂၤဒ်သိးကသ့ၣ်ညါဝဲလၢနအိၣ်ဒီးအီၤထီဘိတက့ၢ်. မၤမုာ်ထီၣ်က့ၤပှၤဒ်သိးပကပလၢၢ်ဘၣ်နတၢ်အဲၣ်ဒီးနဘျုးနဖှိၣ်ထီဘိန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. လၢကစၢ်ခရံာ်လၢအအုၣ်က့ၤခီၣ်က့ၤပှၤအမံၤယဃ့ဘါထုကဖၣ်လီၤ.  အၤမ့ၣ်.


Week 4


Mark 10:27, “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.” (WEB)

All things are possible with God does not mean God will make everything we want possible for us. It does mean God has power to do everything He wills to do. What is possible with God depends on what He wills. Prayer is not asking God to change His will, but to be obedient to His will. I am grateful God’s will for me has been blessings of mercy, grace, and healing.

Eight years ago when I was in my final high school year, I was hospitalized due to my appendix dyspepsia. During the surgery, the doctor found cysts in my ovaries and cancer was suspected. I came  back home with fear and started praying with tears. My parents, grandparents and other family members prayed for me as well. Then the biopsy result came back negative. No cancer! I went back to school part time while getting treatment but I managed to graduate from high school.

Then again, one day while I was working in my office, suddenly I had a severe stomachache. I went to the hospital and after examinations and diagnosis the doctor found a dermoid cyst that can develop to cancer cells in my ovaries. I was scared and feeling very sad. But again the result came back negative for cancer. Then I realized the power of prayer and I became a prayer warrior and intercessor, testifying God’s love and grace ever since.

The third surgery came when a tumor in my breast was suspected to be cancer. During the surgery I could feel everything because they gave me only local anesthesia. It was extremely painful when the electric heated knife pierced through my skin and I really wanted to run away from there. Then I heard a voice, “My beloved daughter, I also suffered because of my love to all of you. I gave my life on the cross enduring pain and humiliation.”  I cried realizing how great the love of God is for us. The biopsy result came back as just a hormone tumor and not cancer. 

I believe in the power of prayer and that all things are possible with God. Because God willed it and made it possible for me to be healthy, I must continue to pray God’s will.  Praying is a privilege and I am grateful to God for generously and freely endowing us with this privilege. 

We worship the God Who has infinite power, wisdom and love. God is moving us for His glorious purpose. May the assurance that all things are possible with God convince you that we are in the good hands of the Lord, no matter what we go through, illness or other life challenges.

Naw Judy Hai Lar Zaw


The possibility of having life-threatening diseases, such as cancer, can turn one’s world upside down. As you journey the unchartered territory, the untamed thoughts and waves of emotions can quickly become overwhelming. God is the ultimate healer. The fact that God can do all things should give us hope and direction to cope and move forward with our lives. 

Nothing is more powerful than God. How can you pray with power?  How can you experience the power of God in your lives? How might you be discounting the power of God?


Dear God, please bless Your children reading this devotional journal. I pray for those who are facing trials to gain hope through Your power.  Teach them to open their hearts to you in prayer and pour out your blessings and healing power upon them. Help us to remember that You can do all things. Help us to know You are always with us. Comfort us so Your grace will be palpable in our lives. I pray in the Name of Jesus Who comforts us. Amen.