
Week 10


Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desire of your heart. 

Psalm 37:4

There are times I find it hard to take delight in the presence of the Lord when I am busy with many tasks at my local church, hospital, and denominal ministries. I often hear people in my faith tradition proclaim “Do good things for God until you die.” What I realize is that when I get so busy doing “good things for God” that I regularly ignore the messages He has for me in the Bible, causing my fellowship and delight in Him to be hindered. When I realized I didn’t delight in God, I asked Him to help me by the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit. And do you know what? God answered that prayer, and He will be faithful to answer yours too. The Hebrew word for delight (anag) commands us to find enjoyment in God. The Lord wants us to incline our hearts toward Him and to lean into Christ where we will discover unspeakable joy. The Creator of heaven and earth is more than willing to draw near to you if you would but lean into His presence through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and hearing Him speak to you through His Word. 

 Gracious God, please help us to take some time to delight in your loving presence, great love for us,  and your mercy and compassion in the midst of our business. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.