အခီၣ်ထံးကတၢၢ် ၁ တနွံ
သးသယုၢ်တၢ် ၃:၃၃ – ‘‘ယွၤအသးတအိၣ်မၤဖှီၣ်မၤနးပှၤကညီဘၣ်.’’
တၢ်တနံၤဖဲန့ၣ်န့ၣ်, ယတံၤသကိးတဂၤဘၣ်ဒိလၢစုမ့ၣ်ပိၢ်ဒီးယဆ့ၣ်နီၤလၢအကပၤလီၤ. အဝဲသွံၣ်ထီၣ်ဒီဂၤညါ ဒီး အတၢ်အိၣ် သးဖျါတဂ့ၤနီတစဲးဘၣ်. မ့ၣ်ပိၢ်အက့အခီတဖၣ်ခးထူၣ်ဖျိအီၤဒီတဂၤညါ ဒီး အခီၣ်တခီတအိၣ်လၢၤဘၣ်. ယကိးလၢပှၤအဂၤ တဖၣ်ကဟဲမၤစၢၤဒီးအဝဲသ့ၣ်ဟဲတုၤလီၤ. ယတံၤသကိးအံၤစံးဝဲ, ‘‘ဝံသးစူၤလဲၤကိးန့ၢ်ယမါ.’’ ယဟးထီၣ် ဒီး ယသးဘၣ်ဆဲး ဃၢဝဲလၢအတယၢၢ်ဖးဃၢ လၢယကဒုးသ့ၣ်ညါအမါ လၢတၢ်ကစီၣ်အအၢအနးတခါအံၤဒ်လဲၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. အဝဲသ့ၣ် ဖျီသးတအိၣ် ဒံးမး ၂လါဒံးဘၣ်. သနာ်က့, ယတဲလီၤအမါလိၤလိၤ, ‘‘နဝၤအစုဘၣ်လၢမ့ၣ်ပိၢ်’’ လီၤ. ယတဲဝံၤ, တၢ်မိၣ်ဟါမၢ်ကွံာ်ယသး တဘျီ ဃီလီၤ. တၢ်ပျံၤတၢ်ဖုးတၢ်ဘၣ်ယိၣ်ဘၣ်ဘီလၢယထံၣ်ဘၣ်လၢပိာ်မုၣ်အံၤအမဲာ်ချံအပူၤန့ၣ် ယသးပ့ၤနီၣ်အီၤတသ့နီတဘျီဘၣ်. တၢ်ကီပာ်စၢၤနးမးလံ, ဘၣ်ဆၣ်တၢ်ကီအါန့ၢ်အလီၢ်န့ၣ်, ကသံၣ်ကသီတအိၣ်, တၢ်ဆါဟံၣ်တဘူးဒီးပှၤဘၣ်. သနာ်က့, ပပာ် လီၤပသးကျၢၤမုဆှုလၢပကလဲၤစိာ်အီၤဆူတၢ်ဆါဟံၣ်အတုၤလီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်, ပတၢ်ဂုာ်ကျဲးစၢးမၤတၢ်အံၤ တကဲထီၣ်လိၣ်ထီၣ် မ့ၢ်လၢဒုၣ်ဒါတြီဃာ်ပကျဲအဃိန့ၣ်လီၤ. ယတံၤသကိးအသးသမူဟးထီၣ်ကွံာ်လၢခံတနံၤဂီၤခီဂီၤဂီၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲန့ၣ်အခါ ယသးအိၣ်ဒံးဒၣ် ၁၅နံၣ် ဘၣ်ဆၣ်ယကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ်တ့ၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်အါမးလံန့ၣ်လီၤ. အဝဲတကြၢးသံဘၣ်. တၢ်အခီပညီတအိၣ်ဘၣ်. ယဒူၣ်ဖိထၢဖိဘါဘူးဒးလီၤ. ယတသ့ၣ်ညါယွၤဘၣ်. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်, ယလဲၤအိၣ်ကဒုဘၣ်လၢမုၢ်ဂၢ်ဖါတံၢ်လၢအမ့ၢ်ခရံာ်ဖိဒီးအဝဲသ့ၣ် ဟ့ၣ်ခီဟ့ၣ်နီၤယၤလၢတၢ်သးခုကစီၣ်အဂ့ၢ်လီၤ. အတထုးယသးဘၣ်. တနၤန့ၣ်, ယပလၢၢ်ဘၣ်လၢယသးသပ့ၤဘၣ်သး ဒီး ယမံမီၢ်တၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ကလုၢ်ဖိတဲဘၣ်ယၤလၢယကဘၣ်စူၢ်နာ်ခရံာ်ဒီးဒိးဘျၢယသးလၢထံန့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ကလုၢ်ဖိအံၤမၤန့ၢ်ဝဲ ယတၢ်နာ်အီၤဒီးယတၢ်အၢၣ်လီၤအီလီၤလီၤ. ယသူၣ်ပိၢ်သးဝးလၢယကဒိးဘျၢထံဒီးယအဲၣ်ဒိးမၤအီၤလၢ ၂၀၀၀နံၣ်အပူၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်, ဖဲယလဲၤဃုတၢ်မၤလၢကီၢ်ကၠီၣ်တဲၣ်အပူၤဒီးပၢၤကီၢ်ဖီၣ်ဃာ်ယၤမ့ၢ်လၢယလံာ်လဲၢ်တအိၣ်အဃိလီၤ. ယတဲကစၢ်ယွၤ, ‘‘ယသးအိၣ်ဒိးဘျၢထံတချုး ၂၀၀၀လဲၤပူၤကွံာ်န့ၣ်လီၤ.’’ တၢ်ပျၢ်ကွံာ်ယၤလၢ ၂၀၀၀နံၣ်တချုးကတၢၢ်တနွံန့ၣ်လီၤ. ယဒိးဘျၢထံ ဖဲ လါဒံၣ်စဲဘၢၣ် ၂၉, ၂၀၀၀ န့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ကဲထီၣ်အသးတခါဝံၤတခါချ့သဒံးလီၤ. တၢ်အိၣ်ဖှိၣ်သရၣ်သံကွၢ်ယွၤ, ‘‘နမ့ၢ်ပှၤ သူၣ်ဆူၣ်သးဂဲၤလၢတၢ်မၤလိယွၤအကလုၢ်ကထါအဃိ, လဲၤထီၣ်လံာ်စီဆှံကၠိမီၤ.’’ ယဃ့အီၤတနွံလၢယကဟ့ၣ်အီၤတၢ်စံးဆၢလီၤ. ဖဲယဆိကမိၣ်တၢ်အခါ, တၢ်ကလုၢ်ဖိလၢအတဲယၤလၢယကဘၣ်တူၢ်လိာ်ခရံာ်ဒီးဘျၢထံ တဲကဒီးယၤလၢယကလဲၤထီၣ် ဃိာ်လိာ်တြီၤကညီဘျၢထံလံာ်စီဆှံကၠိန့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ပိာ်ထွဲထီၣ်အသးတဖၣ်တမ့ၢ်တၢ်အမုာ်အလၤဘၣ်. ယမိဒီးယပါ အသးသမူ လီၤမၢ်ကွံာ်လၢ စုလၢမၤအၢမၤနးမၤဆါမၤသံတၢ်လၢ ဒုၣ်ဒါဒီးပပှၤကလုာ်ဒၣ်လဲာ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ယသးဒိၣ်သးဖျိးနးနးကလဲာ် ဒီး ယဖီၣ်လီၤကျိဒီးဟးခးအီၤသကုၤဆးဒးလီၤ. ယမိယပါတကြၢးသံဘၣ်. တၢ်အခီပညီတအိၣ်ဘၣ်.
ယတမၤလိဘၣ်တၢ်မၤလိအထီဒီးယတနၢ်ပၢၢ်ယွၤဂ့ၢ်ပီညါလီၤလီၤဆီဆီဘၣ်. ဘၣ်ဆၣ် တၢ်ကဲထီၣ်သးသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်ဆူၣ်ဝဲနးဝဲသနာ် က့ တၢ်ကလုၢ်လၢအကတိၤတၢ်ဒီးယၤနဲၣ်ယၤဆူ လံာ်သးသယုၢ်တၢ် ၃:၃၃, ‘‘ယွၤအသးတအိၣ်မၤဖှီၣ်မၤနးပှၤကညီဘၣ်.’’ ယနာ် လံာ်စီဆှံယွၤအကလုၢ်ကထါအံၤလၢလၢပှဲၤပှဲၤလီၤ. ယွၤအသးတအိၣ်လၢပကဟးဂူာ်ဟးဂီၤအဃိ, အဆှၢလီၤအဖိခွါလၢကအုၣ်က့ၤ ခီၣ်က့ၤပှၤကိးမုၢ်နံၤဒီးလၢအစိၤစိၤအဃၣ်ဃၣ်လီၤ. ယဘါထုကဖၣ်လၢကစၢ်ယွၤ, ‘‘မ့ၢ်ဘၣ်နသးအဃိ, နဲၣ်လိယၤလၢ ယကအိၣ်မူ မၤလၤကပီၤဘၣ်နၤဒီးကဲဘျုးလၢပှၤကညီအဂီၢ်န့ၣ်တက့ၢ်.’’ တဆီဘၣ်တဆီ ယွၤဆှၢယၤဒီးဟ့ၣ်ထီၣ် တၢ်အခီပညီတဖၣ်လၢ ယသးသမူအပူၤလီၤ. ယမၤဘၣ်ယွၤအတၢ် ဒီးယကဲဘျုးဘၣ်လၢပှၤကညီအဂီၢ်လီၤ. တၢ်ကစီၣ်လၢယအဲၣ် ဒိးဟ့ၣ်ခီဟ့ၣ်နီၤလီၤ ပှၤသးစၢ်လၢယအဲၣ်တဖၣ်မ့ၢ်ဒ်အံၤလီၤ. လၢပသးသမူအပူၤန့ၣ်, ပဃ့ၢ်တပူၤလၢ တၢ်မၤကွၢ်တဖၣ်ဘၣ်. မုၣ်ကီၤလံၢ် တမံခ့ဝဲ ဘၣ်. ပလိၣ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ဂံၢ်တၢ်ဘါလၢယွၤအအိၣ်လၢပကဒုးမုၣ်ကီၤလံၢ်လီၤ. ထဲတုၤထဲသိးလၢယွၤအဲၣ်ဒိးတၢ်အဂ့ၤကတၢၢ် လၢယဂီၢ် န့ၣ်, ယွၤအဲၣ်ဒိးတၢ်အဂ့ၤကတၢၢ်လၢနဂီၢ်လီၤ. ယွၤအသူၣ်တခုအသးတခုလၢနတူၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ဘၣ်. ကျဲအိၣ်ထဲတဘိ မ့ၢ်ဝဲလၢနကဒိ ကနၣ်တၢ်ကလုၢ်ဖိတဖျၢၣ်လၢအကတိၤတၢ်ဒီးယၤဒီးကတိၤတၢ်ဒီးနၤစ့ၢ်ကီးလီၤ. ယွၤအသးတအိၣ်မၤဖှီၣ်မၤနးပှၤကညီဘၣ်.
ယူၣ်တံၣ်ကၣ်, နူယီးခ်ကီၢ်စဲၣ်
ဖဲနကွၢ်လီၤဟီၣ်ခိၣ်ဒီးနထံၣ်ဘၣ်တၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ်ခီၣ်ဘၣ်အိၣ်ဝဲလၢတၢ်လီၢ်ကိးပူၤဒီး, မ့ၢ်တၢ်ကီတၢ်ခဲတၢ်နးတၢ်ဖှီၣ်တဖၣ် တဲနၤလၢယွၤအိၣ်ယံၤဒီးအတဘၣ်ဃးအသးဒီးပှၤဘၣ်ဧါ. ဘၣ်တဘၣ် နနီၢ်ကစၢ်လဲၤခီဖျိဘၣ်တၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ်ခီၣ်ဘၣ် လၢဆၢကတီၢ်အခဲအံၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. မ့ၢ်တၢ်သးဒ့ဒီဟဲအိၣ်ထီၣ်လၢနတၢ်ဆိကမိၣ်အပူၤလၢ တၢ်မုၢ်လၢ်တအိၣ်လၢၤဘၣ်ဧါ. ပာ်ဆူၣ် နသးဒီးတံးတဟီၣ်တက့ၢ်. တၢ်နးတၢ်ဖှီၣ်နီတမံၤထုးဖးပှၤလၢယွၤအတၢ်အဲၣ်တသ့လ့ၤတက့ၤဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ‘‘ယွၤအတၢ်အဲၣ် တဒီသဒၢပှၤလၢတၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ်ခီၣ်ဘၣ်ဘၣ်. ယွၤအတၢ်အဲၣ်ဒီသဒၢပှၤလၢတၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ်ခီၣ်ဘၣ်တၢ်အပူၤန့ၣ်လီၤ.’’ (ဟဲန်စ်ခူးန်)
သရၣ်ဖါနိအတၢ်အုၣ်သး အတၢ်ကတိၤလၢဟ့ၣ်ထီၣ်သးသမူအတၢ်ဂံၢ်တၢ်ဘါအံၤ ကတိၤတၢ်ဒီးနၤဒ်လဲၣ်. မ့ၢ်နထံၣ်ဘၣ်ယွၤအတၢ်မၤတမံၤမံၤလၢနတၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ်ခီၣ်ဘၣ်တၢ်အပူၤဧါ. နတၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ်ခီၣ်ဘၣ်ဟဲစိာ်ထီၣ်တၢ်လၤကပီၤဆူယွၤအအိၣ် ဒီး တၢ်ဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤဆူပှၤကညီအအိၣ်ကသ့ဒ်လဲၣ်.
ယွၤဧၢ, ဝံသးစူၤဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤဘၣ်နဖိတဂၤအံၤလၢအဖးဝဲတၢ်ဟ့ၣ်ဂံၢ်ဟ့ၣ်ဘါအံၤန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. ယဃ့ထုကဖၣ်လၢ နကဟ့ၣ်နဲတၢ်မုၢ်လၢ် ဒီးသးသမူအခီပညီဆူဖိတဂၤလၢအထံၣ်ဘၣ်ဒီးအတူၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်နးတၢ်ဖှီၣ်န့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. နတသးခုထံၣ်ဘၣ် နဖိအတၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ် ခီၣ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ဘၣ်. နသ့ၣ်ညါဒီးနနၢ်ပၢၢ်နဖိအံၤအတၢ်တူၢ်ဘၣ်ခီၣ်ဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. နသးဘၣ်ဒိဃုာ်ဒီးနဖိအံၤလီၤ. ဝံသးစူၤမၤစၢၤအီၤ ဒ်သိးမ်အသုတပလၢၢ်ဘၣ်လၢအဘၣ်တၢ်စူးကွံာ်ညိကွံာ်အီၤတဂ့ၤ. မ့မ့ၢ်တခီ မ်နကမၤမုာ်အသးန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. ဝံသးစူၤဆှၢလီၤ ဒီပုၢ်ဝဲၢ်သ့ၣ်တဖၣ်လၢ ကပာ်ဖျါထီၣ်ခရံာ်အတၢ်အဲၣ်လၢအီၤန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. မ်ဖိအံၤကန့ၢ်ဘၣ် တၢ်မၤမုာ်, တၢ်သးခု, တၢ်ဃူတၢ်ဖိး, တၢ်မုၢ်လၢ်, ဒီး တၢ်အဲၣ်တၢ်ကွံ ခီဖျိအသ့ၣ်ညါဝဲလၢ တၢ်နီတမံၤ ထုးဖးအီၤ လၢယွၤအတၢ်အဲၣ်တသ့ဘၣ်န့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. လၢခရံာ်အမံၤယဃ့နၤလီၤ. အၤမ့ၣ်.
Week 1
Lamentations 3:33 – “It is not the desire or way of God’s heart to hurt and grieve the children of men.” (The Voice)
It was that one fateful day when I sat next to my friend who just got hit by a grenade. He was bloody all over and did not look good at all. Shrapnel tore through all of his body and one of his legs was gone. I called for help and others arrived. My friend said, “Please get my wife.” I dragged my feet with the heaviest heart not knowing how to break this horrendous news to his fresh newly-wed wife of less than two months. I felt like I wanted to just disappear after telling my friend’s wife straightforwardly, “Your husband has been hit by a grenade.” I still remember the terror I saw in her eyes. To make matters worse, there was no medicine or hospital nearby. We were determined to get him to a hospital, but our attempt failed as the enemy obstructed our way. My friend died early the next morning. I was only 15 years old at that time and I already saw too much. My friend should not have died. It made no sense.
My family practiced Buddhism. I did not know God. But, I took shelter in the home of an uncle and aunt, who are Christians. They shared with me the Gospel but I had no interest. One night, I felt like I was in a trance. A voice was talking to me to put my faith in Christ and get baptized. That voice convinced me. I was excited about getting baptized and I wanted it to be done in 2000. But, when I looked for a job in Thailand, I got arrested because of having no documents. I told God, “I really want to get baptized before the year 2000 is over.” I was released a week before the end of 2000 and got baptized on December 29, 2000. Things happened fast. A pastor asked me, “You are enthusiastic about learning the scripture. Why don’t you go to Bible School? I will find a way for you.” I asked for a week to think it over. During my deliberation, the same voice that persuaded me to get baptized told me to go to Koh Loh Traw Bible school. Things did not necessarily get better. I lost both my father and mother tragically because of the atrocities committed by the enemy as well as my own people. I was furious. I took a gun and shot everywhere. My parents should not have died. It made no sense.
I learned no high education or know no special theology. But, in spite of all that happened, the voice that talked to me directed me to Lamentations 3:33, “It is not the desire or way of God’s heart to hurt and grieve the children of men.” I believe that wholeheartedly. It is not God’s will that anyone would perish. That is why He sent His son to redeem us daily and eternally. I prayed to God, “If it is Your will, instruct me how to live to be useful for You and people.” Step by step, God delivered me and added meaning in my life. I get to serve God. I get to serve People. I want to share this message with the young people I dearly love. In life, trials are inevitable. The devil is prowling without a moment of resting. We need strength from God to fight against Satan. As much as God wants the best for me, God wants the best for you. God does not enjoy seeing you suffer. The only way you can get through life is listening to the voice that talks to me that talks to you. God takes no joy in our suffering.
Pastor Pa Noe
Utica, New York
As you look at the world and see suffering everywhere, does the pain tell you God is distant or that God does not care. Perhaps you yourself are going through a very painful time right now. Does doubt creep into your head saying there is no hope? Take heart. No suffering can separate us from the love of God. “God’s love does not protect us from suffering. God’s love protects us in the midst of suffering.” (Hans Kung)
What life-giving words from Pastor Pa Noe’s testimony speak to you? What is God doing in your suffering? How can your suffering bring glory to God and blessings to others?
Dear God, please bless Your children reading this devotional journal. I pray for hope and meaning for your children who are seeing and experiencing suffering. You do not enjoy seeing your children suffer. You know and understand their suffering. You are hurting with your children. Please help them feel not forsaken, but comforted. Please bring other brothers and sisters to share Christ’s love with them. May they have your comfort, joy, peace, hope, and love in the knowledge that nothing can separate them from Your love. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen