ယွၤမၤပူၤဖျဲးပှၤလၢအအိၣ်သဒၢလၢအပူၤ ~ God Delivers Those Who Hide in Him

အနွံ ၅၀


စံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤ ၉၁:၁၅-၁၆ – ‘‘ကကိးထီၣ်ယၤ, ဒီးယကစံးဆၢအီၤလီၤ. တုၤအဘၣ်တၢ်ကိၢ်တၢ်ဂီၤဒီး, ယကအိၣ်ဒီးအီၤ, ယကမၤပူၤမၤဖျဲးအီၤ, ဒီးမၤလၤကပီၤအီၤလီၤ. ယကဒုးမံသူၣ်မံသးအီၤလၢ တၢ်အိၣ်ကၢအိၣ်ခိး, ဒီးယကဒုးထံၣ်အီၤလၢ ယတၢ်အုၣ်က့ၤခီၣ်က့ၤလီၤ.’’

ပအိၣ်မူလၢဟီၣ်ခိၣ်ချၢအံၤ ပဘၣ်လဲၤခီဖျိကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ဂၤမံၤဂၤမၠိန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဒီးပတၢ်လဲၤခီဖျိတၢ်ကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ် သ့ၣ်တဖၣ် တမ့ၢ်တၢ်လၢအဒ်သိးလိာ်သးဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ပမ့ၢ်လဲၤခီဖျိကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ်သဂၢၢ်ဘၣ်တၢ်အါမံၤသနာ်က့ ကစၢ်ယွၤတဒုးလဲၤခီဖျိပှၤ တၢ်ကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ်လၢပလဲၤ ခီဖျိတန့ၢ်တူၢ်တန့ၢ်ဘၣ်တဖၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. တဘျီတခီၣ်ယွၤသူ ပတၢ်လဲၤခီဖျိတဖၣ် ဒ်သိးအလၤကပီၤ ကအိၣ်ဖျါထီၣ်အဂီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ.

ဖဲ၂၀၁၂ လါမာ်ၡးအပူၤန့ၣ် ယနီၢ်ကစၢ်ဒၣ်ယဲ ယဘၣ်လဲၤခီဖျိကွၢ်ဆၢၣ်မဲာ်ဘၣ်တၢ်ကီတၢ်ခဲဖးဒိၣ်တမံၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ကီတၢ်ခဲလၢ ယဘၣ်လဲၤခီဖျိအီၤတမံၤ မ့ၢ်ဒၣ် တၢ်ဆူးတၢ်ဆါဘၣ်ဃးမဲာ်ချံတခီန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဘၣ်ဖဲတၢ်ကိၢ်ခါကၠိပျၢ်အကတီၢ် ယမိၢ်ဒီးဒီပုၢ်ဝဲၢ် တဖၣ်က့ၤအိၣ်လၢသဝီ ဒီး မ့မ့ၢ်ယနီၢ်ကစၢ်ဒၣ်ယဲ ယအိၣ်တ့ၢ်ဒီးယနီတဂၤလၢသၣ်တီၣ်ကၠံန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဘၣ်တဘျီန့ၣ် ယမဲာ်ချံအဖျၢၣ် ထီၣ်ဝါဝဲဒၣ် ခံဖျၢၣ်လၢာ်လၢ တၢ်သတူၢ်ကလာ်အပူၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. ယနီပာ်သူၣ်ပာ်သးယမဲာ်ချံတဒ်သိးလၢညါအသိးဘၣ်. ထံၣ်ဝဲယမဲာ်ဖံး အဆူၣ်လီၤစှၤဘၣ်ဆၣ်တထံၣ်ဝဲယမဲာ်ချံအဖျၢၣ်လၢအထီၣ်ဝါန့ၣ်ဘၣ်. တသီခံသီဒီးယမဲာ်ချံထီၣ်ဝါ ဒိၣ်ထီၣ်ဒီးယသံကွၢ်ယနီမ့ၢ်အ တထံၣ် ယမဲာ်ချံလၢအထီၣ်ဝါဘၣ်ဧါ. ဖဲန့ၣ်မးအဝဲပာ်သူၣ်ပာ်သးဒီးကွၢ်ထံက့ၤယမဲာ်ချံ န့ၣ်လီၤ. မုၢ်ဆ့ၣ်ထီၣ်တနံၤ အဝဲလဲၤဒုးနဲၣ် ယၤဆူတၢ်ဆါဟံၣ်ဒီး ဖဲယလဲၤတုၤလၢတၢ်ဆါဟံၣ်အခါ ကသံၣ်သရၣ်မၤကွၢ်ဝဲဒၣ်ယမဲာ်ချံဘၣ်ဆၣ် အဝဲမၤကွၢ်ဝဲထဲအဖံးဘၣ်ခိၣ် န့ၣ်လီၤ. အဝဲဟ့ၣ်ယၤကသံၣ်လၢ ယကသူအီၤအဂီၢ်ဒီး ဖဲယဟဲက့ၤတုၤလၢဟံၣ်အခါ ယတူၢ်ဘၣ်ဒ်သိးယထံၣ်တၢ်ကဒုကဒုလီၤဂာ် ဒ်သိးယတထံၣ်တၢ်လၢၤဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. မၤကဒီးအသီတဂီၤ ယလဲၤဒုးနဲၣ်ယသးလၢတၢ်ဆါဟံၣ်ဒီး ဒုးနဲၣ်ကသံၣ်သရၣ်လၢ ယမဲာ်ချံ လၢအထီၣ်ဝါန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲန့ၣ်အဝဲသံကွၢ်ယၤ မ့ၢ်ယမၤဘၣ်ဒိယမဲာ်ချံခီဖျိတၢ်တမံၤမံၤ, မ့ၢ်ယလီၤဃံၤဆဲးဘၣ်အီၤ, မ့တမ့ၢ် ယလဲၤ လိာ်ကွဲဒီးဘၣ်ဒိဘၣ်ထံးဘၣ်ဧါန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲန့ၣ်ယစံးဆၢအီၤယတမၤဘၣ်ဒိဒီးတၢ်နီတမံၤ, ယတဟးနီတပူၤ,  အိၣ်ဒၣ်ယထီၣ် တၢ်ကိၢ်ခါတၢ်မၤလိ န့ၣ်လီၤ. ကသံၣ်သရၣ်လၢအမ့ၢ်ဒီးကထၢၣ်တဂၤန့ၣ် စံးဘၣ်ယၤ ကသံၣ်ကသီတၢ်ပီးတၢ်လီလၢ ကမၤကွၢ် ယမဲာ်ချံမ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤ, ကကွဲးကါယမဲာ်ချံမ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤ တအိၣ်ဘၣ်အဃိန့ၣ် အဂ့ၤကတၢၢ်မ့ၢ်ဒၣ် ယကဘၣ်လဲၤကွဲးအီၤ ဆူတီအူတၢ်ဆါဟံၣ် န့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ကီတၢ်ခဲဘၣ်ဝဲဒၣ်ယနီ, မ့ၢ်လၢယမိၢ်ယပၢ်ယဒီပုၢ်ဝဲၢ်အဂၤသ့ၣ်တဖၣ် တအိၣ်ဘူးဒီးပှၤဘၣ်ဒီး တၢ်လၢာ်ဘူၣ်လၢာ်စ့ၤ လၢ ယကကွဲးယမဲာ်ချံအဂီၢ်စ့ၢ်ကီးတအိၣ်ဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. သနာ်က့ ယနီကျဲးစၢးဃုကသံၣ်သရၣ်မုၣ်တဂၤလၢယဂီၢ် ဒီးအဝဲဟ့ၣ်ယၤ ကသံၣ်လၢ ယကအီအဂီၢ်မ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤ, ထၢနုာ်ယမဲာ်ချံအဂီၢ်မ့ၢ်ဂ့ၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲတၢ်မနုၤမးတအိၣ်ဒီးပှၤန့ၣ်, ပတၢ်သန့ၤအလီၢ်မ့ၢ်ဝဲထဲ ကစၢ်ယွၤလၢာ်လၢာ်ဆ့ဆ့ ဒီး ယကိးထီၣ်ယွၤလၢတၢ်နာ် လၢကအိၣ်ဒီးယၤလၢတၢ်ကိၢ်တၢ်ဂီၤအပူၤ, ကမၤပူၤဖျဲးယၤ, ဒီး ကဒုး မံသူၣ်မံသးယၤလၢတၣ်အိၣ်ကၢအိၣ်ခိးလီၤ. ယသးစၢၢ်ဆၢယဲလၢယွၤကဒုးထံၣ်န့ၢ်ယၤ လၢအတၢ်အုၣ်က့ၤခီၣ်က့ၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. ပူၤကွံာ် စှၤသီဒီးယမဲာ်ချံလၢအထီၣ်ဝါန့ၣ်ဘျါက့ၤဝဲဒၣ်န့ၣ် လီၤ. တနံၣ်ဝံၤအလီၢ်ခံယသုးလီၢ်သုးကျဲဒီး လဲၤမၤလိက့ၤတၢ်ဆူဒဲကဝီၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. 

ယိၤဟၣ် ၁၅:၁၆ စံးဝဲဒၣ် “သုဃုထၢလံယၤ တမ့ၢ်ဘၣ်, မ့ၢ်ယဃုထၢလံသုဒီး ပာ်လီၤန့ၢ်သု, ဒ်သိးသုကလဲၤသၣ်ထီၣ်ဒီး သုတၤ သၣ်ကအိၣ်ကဆိး ဒ်သိးဖဲဒၣ်သုဃ့တၢ်လၢ ယမံၤလၢပၢ်န့ၣ်ဒီး အဝဲဒၣ်ကဟ့ၣ်လီၤသုလီၤ.” ကစၢ်ခရံာ်စံးဘၣ်ပှၤလၢ အဝဲဒၣ်ဃု ထၢပှၤဒ်သိး ပကအုၣ်ပသးလၢအတၢ်မၤဂ့ၤတဖၣ်ဒီး ပကအုၣ်ပသးလၢ အတၢ်အုၣ်က့ၤခီၣ်က့ၤပှၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. ဖဲယတူၢ်လိာ်ကစၢ် ခရံာ်ဒ်အမ့ၢ်တၢ်အုၣ်က့ၤခီၣ်က့ၤကစၢ်ဒီး ဒိးစူၢ်ဒိးဘျၢသးဝံၤအလီၢ်ခံ ယဖျိထီၣ်တီၤကၠိဒီး ယမၤလိက့ၤအကလုၢ်ကထါဒ်သိး ယကမၤအတၢ်လီၤ. မ့ၢ်လၢကစၢ်ယွၤအတၢ်မၤဘျါက့ၤယၤဒီး ယမဲာ်ထံၣ်ထီၣ်က့ၤတၢ် ဒီးယမ့ၢ်ဒံးတၢ်လၢ ယမ့ၢ်လၢ ကစၢ်ခရံာ် အပူၤဒီး ယအိၣ်မူဘၣ်တုၤခဲကနံၣ်အံၤဒီးတဲဖျါထီၣ်ဘၣ်ဒံးအတၢ်မၤဂ့ၤယၤတဖၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. လံာ်စံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤ ၁၁၈:၁၇ “ယတသံဘၣ်. မ့ၢ်ယကမူဒီးစံၣ်တဲၤတဲလီၤယွၤအတၢ်မၤတဖၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ.”



လၢပှၤတနီၤအဂီၢ် ဘၣ်တဘၣ်ကကီခဲဝဲလၢ ကနာ်ဝဲလၢမဲာ်ချံတၢ်ဆါလၢအလီၤပျံၤလီၤဖုးအံၤဘၣ်တၢ်မၤဘျါအီၤလီၤလိၢ်လီၤလး န့ၣ်လီၤ. သနာ်က့ ပမ့ၢ်ပာ်သူၣ်ပာ်သးလၢတၢ်သးစၢၢ်ဆၢအပူၤအဃိ, ပကထံၣ်ဘၣ်ယွၤမၤတၢ်ဒီးထိၣ်ဟူးထိၣ်ဂဲၤပှၤလၢပသးအပူၤ ထီဘိ, ဒီး ပကထံၣ်ဘၣ်တၢ်လီၤလးဖဲတၢ်လီၢ်ကိးပူၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. သရၣ်မုၣ်သနူဖီဒုးသ့ၣ်နီၣ်ပှၤလၢယွၤဃုထၢပှၤဒ်သိးပကသူထီၣ် သၣ်ထီၣ် ဒီး ပစံၣ်တဲၤတဲလီၤယွၤအတၢ်မၤအဂ့ၤတဖၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ပမၤဒ်န့ၣ်အသိးကန့ၢ်အဂီၢ်, အဆိပကဘၣ်ပာ်သူၣ်ပာ်သးလၢတၢ်ပနီၣ် တဖၣ်ဒီးတၢ်လီၤလးတဖၣ်လၢအဟဲလၢယွၤအတၢ်မၤလၢဟီၣ်ခိၣ်လိၤအံၤန့ၣ်လီၤ. 

ဟံးန့ၢ်တၢ်ဆၢကတီၢ်တစိၢ်ဖိ ဒီးဘါထုကဖၣ်ဆူယွၤအအိၣ်လၢကသုးကွံာ်တၢ်မဲာ်ချံဘျီၣ်လၢသူၣ်လၢသးန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်.
ပာ်သူၣ်ပာ်သးလၢပတၢ်အိၣ်မူအိၣ်ပှဲၤဒီးယွၤအတၢ်မၤလီၤလးတဖၣ်လီၤ. ဆိကမိၣ်လၢအဂ့ၢ်တခါဘၣ်တခါဒီးကွဲးလီၤအီၤတက့ၢ်.


ယွၤဧၢ, ဝံသးစူၤဆိၣ်ဂ့ၤဘၣ်နဖိတဂၤအံၤလၢအဖးဝဲတၢ်ဟ့ၣ်ဂံၢ်ဟ့ၣ်ဘါအံၤန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. ပၢ်ဧၢ, လၢဟီၣ်ခိၣ်လိၤအံၤ နတၢ်မၤ လီၤလးတဖၣ် တဆံး တစှၤ တလၢတလီၣ် တအိၣ်နီတဘျီဘၣ်. ဝံသးစူၤအိးထီၣ် နဖိအမဲာ်ချံ, အတၢ်ဆိကမိၣ်, ဒီး အသး ဒ်သိး ကထံၣ်ဒီးစံးထီၣ်ပတြၢၤ နတၢ်မၤလီၤလးတဖၣ်လၢအသးသမူအပူၤ ဒီး လၢဟီၣ်ခိၣ်အပူၤအံၤန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. ဖဲအဝဲလဲၤခီဖျိတၢ်ကီ တၢ်ခဲ အခါ, မ်အကအိၣ်သဒၢလၢနပူၤ ဒီး မ်နတၢ်မၤလီၤလး ကဆီတလဲအဝဲသ့ၣ် လၢကသူထီၣ်သၣ်ထီၣ် ဒီး စံၣ်တဲၤတဲလီၤ နတၢ်မၤဂ့ၤတဖၣ်န့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. ယွၤဧၢ, နသ့ၣ်ညါလၢ အခဲအံၤ နဖိအံၤလိၣ်ဘၣ်နတၢ်မၤလီၤလး ဒ်လဲၣ် န့ၣ်လီၤ. ပျဲနသးမုာ်စီဆှံ မၤတၢ်လၢတၢ်အိၣ်သးကိးမံၤဒဲးအပူၤ, မၤဘျါဘၣ်အီၤလၢသူၣ်လၢ သးဒီးနီၢ်ခိ, ဒီး ဟဲစိာ်န့ၢ်ဘၣ်အီၤ တၢ်ထူၣ်ဖျဲး ဒီး တၢ်ဃူတၢ်ဖိး တၢ်မုာ်တၢ်ခုၣ်န့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. လၢခရံာ်အမံၤ ယဃ့နၤလီၤ. အၤမ့ၣ်.


Week 50


Psalms 91:15-16 – “He will call on me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him, and honor him. I will satisfy him with long life, and show him my salvation.” (WEB)

We face many challenges on earth. These challenges are different for each of us. No matter what or how much we go through, God does not allow us to bear beyond what we can handle. Sometimes, God uses our experiences for His glory as well.

In March 2012, I went through a very hard time. I had to deal with a frightening eye disease. During summer break, my parents and siblings went back to the village. I stayed behind with a sister in Than Daung Gyi. During that time, I saw my eyes turn white suddenly. My sister noticed my eyes looked different. She saw my eyelashes thinning but she did not see the pupils turning white. After a couple days, the eyes were turning whiter and she finally noticed it. In the morning she took me to the hospital. The doctor only focused on the eyelids. She gave me medicine. When I got home, I felt that my vision was decreasing and I could hardly see. I went back to the hospital. The doctor asked if my eyes were injured, if I fell, or if I got hurt from playing. I replied that I had no injuries, I went nowhere, and all I did was attend summer school. The doctor then said they did not have the resources or equipment to treat or operate on my eyes and the best thing for me was to go to Taung Gyi hospital. That was a recommendation that brought great stress. I did not have my parents and other family members with me. I had no money. But my sister found a doctor that gave me medicine and eye drops. In the absence of resources, my dependence was only on the Lord and I called on Him with faith that He would be with me through this trouble, heal me, and satisfy me with a long life. My heart was set on seeing His salvation shown to me. A few days went by and the whites in my eyes gradually disappeared. After a year, I moved to a refugee camp to study. 

John 15:16 tells us, “You didn’t choose me, but I chose you and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatever you will ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” God told us that He chose us to bear fruit and testify of His salvation. After accepting Jesus as my Savior, I got baptized. I graduated from high school and went to Bible school to serve God. Because God healed me, I see today. I am who I am because I am in Christ and I live to tell all the good God has done in my life. Psalm, 118:17 – “​​I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.”

Thramu Tha Nue Paw


It may be hard to believe such a frightening eye disease was miraculously healed. But if we pay attention to God working in us and moving us continually, we know miracles are everywhere. Naw Tha Nue Paw reminded us that God chose us to bear fruits and proclaim His goodness. 
To do so must start with noticing signs and wonders of God’s work in this world. 

How do you strive to keep your eyes and hearts open to God’s wondrous work healing and transforming lives? Take a moment and pray to God to remove spiritual blindness. 
Notice how our lives are full of miracles. Identify those miracles and write them down.


Dear God, please bless Your children reading this devotional journal. Father, there is no shortage of Your miracles on earth. Please open your children’s eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to see and appreciate Your wondrous work in their lives and in this world. When they go through challenges, please let your miracles transform them so they may bear fruit and proclaim Your goodness. Lord, you know the miracles your children are needing right now. Please help them to hide in You and let Your Holy Spirit work through every situation, provide physical and spiritual healing, and bring deliverance and peace. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.