Week 40
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Mark 6:31
As a minister, pastor, and chaplain, one of my continued weaknesses is self-care. I used to believe that taking care of myself was selfish. Also, it is easy for me to feel guilty when self-care keeps me away from my work in ministry. The most challenging thing for me is to be quiet and simply set aside time for myself. Most of my days are filled with obligations from my church, community, and denomination. We all need rest from time to time, even when we are busy doing the Lord’s work and serving Him through ministry. Jesus set up the best example. We find in Mark 6 that Jesus was aware that he and his disciples were weary and needed rest after so many tasks. Jesus decided to get away for a while for some rest. Jesus knew well that without rest, we are not fully able to accomplish the tasks He has called us to do. Taking the time to be quiet and caring for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being are ways to honor the fact that we are called and loved by God.
Gracious God, please help us to take time to be quiet, rest, and recharge so that we are ready to continue in the tasks that You have called us to…whether it’s a ministry related job, medical, education or any other field where we work.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.