
Week 22


As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire,

so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife. 

Proverbs 26:21

Words have power. Words can bring peace and also strife in churches and families. In fact, the devil likes to plant his evil schemes through our words.  Although you give your best, those who only look for your mistakes and weaknesses will always have insulting words to say to you. On the night of Christmas in 2022,  someone posted insults against our family on social media. Our family members serve in leadership positions in our church and the insult brought deep hurt and shame to us. The natural tendency is to return insult with insult.  But, that would only kindle a quarrel and spread fire of strife. We need to regard the insult as the work of the devil and surrender it to God. While hanging with excruciating pain on the cross, Jesus was insulted by the Roman soldiers, those passing by, and even a thief. Yet, Jesus finished His assignment. Maybe you are having to endure unfair criticism right now in spite of your best efforts in serving the Lord and others. May you draw strength from Jesus on the cross, Who conquered evil, and fix your eyes on Him. 

Dear God, please help us so our words will not utter insults in our churches, homes, and workplaces.  I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.