
Week 2


They were amazed at his teaching, because his words had authority.

Luke 4:32

Overlooking the Grand Canyon from Mather Point, I stood utterly amazed by the majestic beauty of God’s artwork before me. Although I have visited the Grand Canyon more than a dozen times, each visit uncovers new wonders of geological sculptures and mesmerizing colors. Just as God’s handiwork offers endless marvel, God’s life-giving word reveals inexhaustible truth, power, and wisdom for wonder-working in our lives. When you think of the word, ‘amazing,’ what comes to mind? Vacation, new house, new car, new gadget, sports tournaments? When was the last time you stood amazed at the word of God? Is the transforming power of the word of God alive and active in your church to the amazement of many? The God who created the Grand Canyon longs for a relationship with you. The omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God wants to amaze you with words in the pages of the Bible. Think about it! Be amazed at it! 

God, I confess I am a Christian bored with the Bible. Please instill in my heart the commitment to study Your word and the desire to be amazed by it. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.